Joining in with my lovely friend Terri today & all the other Meddlers...
Getting all ready for the 4th of July....

Which even though its a Holiday on Thursday, my Thankful Thursday will still be posted if anyone wants to join in with me. The link up stays open all week so feel free to come back any time & add in all your gratitude.
Let's jump in this week's 4th of July questions....
1. Please share a favorite July 4th memory with us.
Most of you all know that the 4th of July was a big deal for my dad who always painted up his horse for the day. Mom & Dad's neighbors always throw a big shin-dig complete with the largest firework display you could EVER imagine. So dad always had Cochese dressed to the nines for the event. He was always the big photo hog of the day. Happy to stand & take all the selfies in the world.

With dad's passing, my brother carried on the torch last year... totally up his alley with Tony being the artist of the family....
This year, the neighbors aren't doing their big 4th of July event due to a family scheduling issue - so I think Cochese will get a paint break. Shame, because we were already in talks of how we could paint up Baby for a duo horse team this year. This just gives us another year to come up with something clever. i'm still thinking of a flag on one & Baby can be Uncle Sam. :)
2. How do you plan to spend tomorrow? If you are working, will you celebrate later?
I'm planning on painting a Minnie Mouse 4th of July decoration that I was actually supposed to do at a friend's painting party - but didnt get to make it out there. I'm hoping the rest of the day is laid back & just enjoying a day off work.
Though Ricky told me I can start helping him by starting to paint/stain our fence. That doesnt sound very enjoyable or relaxing at all.
Though Ricky told me I can start helping him by starting to paint/stain our fence. That doesnt sound very enjoyable or relaxing at all.
The big plans for the day - making some sweet potato, quinoa chili - the best thing I know how to make. I usually make it only in fall & winter, but its a good dinner & we'll just crank up the air & make believe its cool outside.
3. Is there a favorite food always reserved for your 4th of July celebration?
I typically never reserve my food for a certain day :) But I feel like there has to be some sort of dessert involved, right? God Bless America!
Fireworks are legal in Indiana - where I live... but NOT legal across the bridge where I work.
How dumb is that? I mean, it just takes a 1 mile trip over the bridge. No one is at the bridge confiscating anything either.
I wish fireworks were illegal though. They bug me. They make me feel like they are going to catch everything on fire with the ash falling, they scare my dogs, they cant be good for the environment, & I feel like they are a huge waste of money. Plus, let's all admit, getting your skin stung & burned by sparklers - its just a little bit painful.
I'm like a 4th of July Scrooge.

5. Do you have a favorite movie that you always watch sometime during the 4th of July?
Is there such a thing as a 4th of July theme movie? ... I do know the Tom Cruise one Born on the 4th of July - not very cheery.
Oh, there's always Independence Day. I'll watch that every time its on because I love Jeff Goldblum ... this really is a good movie. Wasn't there a remake? No thank you - I'll pass on that one.
Oh, there's always Independence Day. I'll watch that every time its on because I love Jeff Goldblum ... this really is a good movie. Wasn't there a remake? No thank you - I'll pass on that one.

I will say, on days off work, we do like to head to a movie every now & then or watch one at home - & saying that about the Hubs, its usually a super hero movie. So I'll go with that. Captain America seems appropriate. Ricky just bought Captain America: Civil War to add to his collection so I can really see us watching that again.... or we'll watch Avengers Infinity Wars for the 42nd time. I'm not even joking. We usually have it playing every weekend at least once. We can repeat most of the lines at this point.
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"... & someone get this man a shield" |
6. Share something from your week, please.
I'm reminding myself how much I love my job because I know I'm going to be super grumpy driving into work on Friday when I know more than half of the world is taking it off for a super long 4 day weekend. At least there wont be any traffic, right? ... sigh...
Go ahead & tell me - are you off on Friday? I wont hate you. I promise.
I'm reminding myself how much I love my job because I know I'm going to be super grumpy driving into work on Friday when I know more than half of the world is taking it off for a super long 4 day weekend. At least there wont be any traffic, right? ... sigh...
This will be on Friday |
Go ahead & tell me - are you off on Friday? I wont hate you. I promise.
Click to join all the others linking up with Terri
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