This week I am Thankful for:
Color Street Nails
I bought these when a friend hosted a party - & now she's selling them herself. I never really expected a lot because I remember the Jamberry phase & enjoyed those but they were a LOT of work & didnt last long. These? Why didnt I try them sooner? I am in love. They were so easy to put on & have really lasted on my nail. I'm a convert now. I can now make my nails look like I'm all FANCY - such a change from someone who is great at painting the whole tip & cuticle of a finger when using polish. (My friend is selling right HERE if you want to give it a try)
Gorgeous weekend
As we finished up May - I was so glad for 2 beautiful days to land right on the weekend. It was just the perfect day - 70's, sunny, & not a lick of humidity. I was glad I didnt have to sit at a desk or stare at a computer screen but could be outside & soak it all up!
Not just ANY brownies - but Ghirardelli Brownies. Man, these things are delicious. I'm not really a big fan of brownies, but Ricky loves them - so I made these & I forget how good this brand is. I like to undercook just a tad so they're 'doughy' too ...mmmm.... & Ricky bought some German Chocolate Cake kind of icing & put on top of the brownie too. Oh my gosh. It tasted like something straight out of a restaurant menu. I mean, granted, we havent eaten in a restaurant for about 3 months - but it was something that made us both happy for a few days.
Sweet Mail
I mean, all the sugar lately. ... but it was a fun little surprise to get some encouragement via cookie in the mail. Who knew that was a thing? I surely didnt - but now I want to look up this place & send some cookies myself!
We survived another year. Didnt end like we wanted -or usually does. Its definitely sad. I remember that it was the week before Spring Break & the girls were excited because most of them were going on cruises. I remember saying to them, Be careful - I'm not sure you'll be able to go. They weren't able to go of course, & I didnt get to see them since. .... but we made it. Sophomore year done. Only 2 more years before these girls head out to the big world.
Mask wearers
I know COVID has taken a back seat to the news lately & we are a "out of sight - out of mind" sort of creatures....which really freaks me out. I feel like its going to give COVID a new ugly head to rear on us.... but I still am grateful for every single person I see in the store that is putting them on.
Peaceful people
I'm thankful for the people who want their voices to be heard in peaceful protests... & I'm thankful for good cops that understand & are good people who serve & protect ALL. They're out there. We need to focus more on these people & know they exist & are trying to work together for answers.
What are you thankful for this week?
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