Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Life is worthy of capturing

Can I start off today first by thanking everyone that has messaged me or commented about how I was feeling with my headaches & dizziness?  I just posted it as just a thing that was happening in my life - nothing to put out there to get sympathy or attention, but I am reminded how I have so many amazing sweet heart people in my life that has checked in with me or asked if I was any better.  That means the world to me.  Truly.

I was going to do my Confessions for today but decided not to.

Instead, I wanted to talk about something that I had a realization about last week.

See, something struck me.

A friend at work asked me if I wanted to use a Shutterfly coupon that she had an extra one of.  & of course, I love Shutterfly & all their products & I told her I would put it to good use.

& I will.... but it wouldn't be for anything for me.


I mean, I am always behind a camera it seems.
Always have one near me or in my hands.
Always uploading pictures.
Always editing.
Always burning pictures to disks.

But if you look at my Shutterfly account, you don't see many pictures of my life.
You see everyone else's.

I use Shutterfly as a back up of sorts in case my computer bombs out & all my edited pictures disappear.  (Lord - never let it happen) ... (Please)...

So yeah, I have lots of folders on there
... but they have other people's faces on the cover page.
... other people's memories.
... other people's smiling faces
... other people's moments in life they want to remember.

What about mine?

Usually though, my life, it doesn't seem as 'picture worthy'

What does that even mean?  It's like usually I always feel like I don't want wear & tear on my 'good cameras' when I'm going to be using it for other's pictures & moments.  Even though I have a slew full of Nikon cameras in my collection, I never want to mess them up.  These "good cameras" are too good to take pictures of my life.

So I just use my phone for my world.  Instagram seems to be my life.... & goodness knows how I love Instagram!
But the pictures from my phone are usually grainy or horrible lighting & awful quality.

& I do get them printed out so I do have memories of my life...

Don't get me wrong - I LOVE the convenience of grabbing pictures with a phone. I mean, on most days, I'm not taking my Nikons & setting them on my desk at work. My phone is what grabs life's moments 99% of them....

but why don't I use my "good cameras" more for my life?

But over vacation, I did just that.
I pulled out my GOOD camera for MY life...

even if it didn't seem "photo worthy"...

after all, I'm worthy - right?

I am a child of God.
He sees the moments of my life as worthy.
They are all documented in His eyes - why shouldn't I take the time to notice how beautiful my life is in a worthy manner?

& this week, I put this idea to work...
Busted out the Nikon for the world around me.

& started a folder on Shutterfly that was titled just that "My Life 2015"

... it doesn't hold a lot of pictures for this year

... but man oh man - do I have a goal now or what?
"My Life 2016" is going to be full of beautiful moments.

Moment that I took the time to pull out my good camera.
The moments worthy of uploading & editing
... & saving...

because every moment I have... its totally worth capturing.

All pictures I took last week

I want to do it more often.

See the things in my world that I may not usually think are worth the time & effort of using the best quality in a different light.  Capture all the worthy moments... big & small...

I'm excited to capture it all...

A line from the book I'm currently reading.. perfect timing to come across..

Do you like to capture your moments of life?

What's your favorite picture you have of your life?

What's your favorite camera you use most often?


  1. Hope you are feeling better!!! I am so guilty of not using my good camera and using my phone, but I try really hard to take lots of pics to document the memories for my kiddos! I think it is great you are using your good camera and taking pics of everyday life. That's truly what is worth remembering, right?

  2. I really love "lifestyle" photography. It is such a great way to capture your own life and keep those memories...even if you don't think it's photo worthy - it's definitely memory worthy. ;)

  3. I was just thinking about this very topic this morning as I was getting my post together. I confessed that my iphone is full of food and fitting room pictures. I never carry around a real camera and I am rarely in a picture. I really want to get better about this! And I really want to get better about actually printing some photos to have around the house.

  4. I think your life is totally worthy of the "good" camera. Not all moments are amazing but they are worthy of documenting.

  5. I love seeing these picture from your life! I don't have a fancy camera, but I have my phone and a little camera and I think I should probably use my camera more often too! I think I need to invest in a good camera just to take pictures of my pups. ;)

  6. I agree the convenience of using our phones is just there, but it's always nice to grab our fancy camera's for vacations! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  7. Such a good point! I never even stopped to think about that... most of my pics are on my phone, too!

  8. its definitely nice to use a phone, but i got a fancier camera (not as fancy as yours) so i could start capturing nicer photos.. and i really want to make an effort to take more 'everyday' photos next year. i take a lot at events or when we travel, but i want the simple fun ones. love the idea of creating a folder on shutterfly.

  9. LOVE this! Your life is most definitely worth capturing with your 'good' camera :) I really need to invest in one for our family - allll of our pictures are iPhone ones and they just don't print very well. Can't wait to see what your 2016 folder!

  10. Yay!!! So glad you will be capturing more of YOU! Cheers to more pictures in 2016!

  11. Typically I just use my phone camera. I did take a couple of hubby and I on our trip just to prove we were really there. lol

  12. i think that's a stellar idea. i don't use my good cameras for my life either, come to think of it. they're just for blog stuff. i just love the pic of harvey dent smiling in the sunshine!

  13. Those are AWESOME pictures and I'm excited for your 2016 album!!

  14. I love this post! I'm awful about capturing any moments with my good camera. And I really need to get better about capturing moments at all. I've been so slack lately!

  15. OMGosh I love that quote, It's why I have us do so many pictures!


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