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Favorite Cold Brewer
I just saw this on someone else's blog (Sorry I cant remember who it was - if it was you, let me know) But this really is something I could use with warmer temps around the corner!!
Favorite Shoes
I talked last week how Tretorns were a shoe back in my day
I am LOVING that they are back!!!! & look at this rainbow one!!!!
Favorite Timer
This is adorable!! & perfect to leave out on your counter
Favorite Chair
OK... this is WEIRD!!!! - But I like it!!!!
I think it would be comfortable to even side sit on it - which I tend to do.
If anything, it'll be a conversation starter
Favorite Make up Help
Because this is so much cuter than the paper cup I keep my blender in
Favorite Earrings
Favorite Puppy Adoption Advertising
They took these puppies & had a photo shoot with little ballerinas & called it "First Pawsition"
Ahhhh - this couldn't be cuter!
Favorite Funnies

... when one of the dogs lays in the spot that the other dog always lays in
... when the hubs asks me whats for dinner
... all my friends who know me well & knows how easily I cry over the smallest things
... when our drive way alarm goes off in the middle of the night
... me to everyone well before the coronavirus took over
.... me at 4:30pm today
Happy Weekend Y'all!!!
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