I know most people say February goes by really fast for them... for some reason, this one felt REALLLY long to me. Not sure why. Regardless, here we go - 2 months tucked into our pocket.
1 - Sat / Got my work out room all cleaned out from holding all the junk during the holidays #letsgetbackatit
2 - Sun / Raising a Hallelujah for a sunny day in the 60's. #GloryBe
3 - Mon / OK - Mother Nature must be having sympathy hot flashes with me #inthe70s #inFebruary!!!
4 - Tues / Went from getting my hair done to BACK to the ER to see how my brother was doing. #weneedafamilysuitethere
5 - Wed / Getting worried about my poor Bruno #didnteatordrinkatall
6 - Thurs / I got to have a nice evening of just hanging out with The Hubs & enjoying some good conversation over dinner at home #lookatmecooking
7 - Fri / Trying to cheer on our little old man who is started to dwindle a little more each day #myhearthurts
8 - Sat / A cold & snowy day made me happy to stay home & tucked in my house all day long #cozyup
9 - Sun / My brother got to make his way over to see the horses for the time time in over a month #whowashappiest?
10- Mon / Stayed up late because I thought I was on the last episode of American Horror Story Coven & then found out there's STILL one more. #finishuptomorrow
11- Tues / Season 3 is done & I'm gonna give my brain a break before I start season 4 #freakyshows #hookmeinthough
12- Wed / Got to finally meet up with my Make Me a Blessing sisters & do a lot of catching up in 2 hours time #theyarejustgiftsinmylife
13 - Thurs / I'm pretty sure my back yard has now become an official lake #rainforthepast4days
14 - Fri / The Hubs surprised me with the cutest pairs of Beauty & the Beast socks for Valentines Day #androses #mylove
15 - Sat / The hubs had to work which means I got a lot of housework done before noon #thenalazyday
16 - Sun / Super excited to have my niece go to church with me again #illtakeheranytimeshewants
17 - Mon / Had every intention to work out when I got home from work but life is like, nope - you stay too busy to even sit down to breath till 10pm. #cantgetinaworkout #ever #routineisBUST
18 - Tues / Got to pick up my brother so he could show us how to bridle up the horses for their big day tomorrow. #newshoes
19 - Wed / Horse mani/pedi is complete #onlytobecoveredinmud
20 - Thurs / Just got caught up with This is Us #ohmyheart #lovetheBigThree
21 - Fri / I'm usually knocked out super early on Friday evening but I dont know if it was my green tea I drank late but I couldnt fall asleep & felt like a teenager staying up super late #netflixbinging
22 - Sat / Mom took us out to lunch for Caretaker's Day & it was good to see my brother looking so much like himself again. #slowbutsteady
23 - Sun / The horses were able to stay outside overnight so I got to head straight to church instead of getting all hay covered before going into HSM. #smelllikeabarn
24 - Mon / I think I got up from my desk MAYBE 3 times the entire day #superbusy
25 - Tues / How my little man is still going is beyond me. #MyBruno #littlefighter
26 - Wed / We finished up our Bible study & I'm always sad to see one end but also feel accomplished to have completed it all. #lovetheseladies
27 - Thurs / Why am I loving watching Lego Masters? #Icanmakeasquarehouse
28 - Fri / A cold & snowy Friday night makes me want to just curl up in blankets & sit in front of space heaters #leavemealonetillmorning
29 - Sat / Better late than never getting dad's headstone ordered. #wereallhappywithit
Tell me the best thing about your February!!!
Just for fun - all my February One Second a Day video!!!!
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