Monday, March 02, 2020

The weekend I got sucked into Love is Blind

Hello March....

ok... let me be honest - I actually started typing & I had typed out Mello March.  I think that needs to be the new greeting for March. MELLO!!!! Geez. It's a Monday brain. What can you say?

This weekend was a crazy mix.  We started off Friday night with snow blowing everywhere. Like it was coming down HARD & blowing everywhere. My brother said they were out driving & had to pull over because the white out thing was really happening. 

Me? I was home tucked away in front of a heater, rooting my Bruno on with his eating, drinking, pooping, peeing, walking check list.  He's still fighting along. I honestly said to many people & truly believed that he wasn't going to make it out of February. He's proven me wrong once again.  We've never seen anything like it with this dog.  My tough guy!!!!

Friday, I also took the leap & started watching Love is Blind.  I've been hearing everyone talk about it & I was waiting for all the episodes to be out because when I watched The Circle, it drove me nuts having to wait for the next episodes to come on.  I wanted to zoom right on through..... but baby, I was hooked. What a mess of a show.  & I loved every bit of it!  I only got through the first 3 episodes on Friday & let me tell you - watching it when you go to bed? I honestly had dreams of being in a pod, talking to people all night long. Dont know if you can rank that in a nightmare category or not. Possibly.

Saturday, I was up fairly early to get ready.  With my brother being off work, we were finally able to go with mom & pick out my dad's headstone.  Yes, I know - he's been gone a year & a half.  But I just dont think my mom was ready to do it... & she wanted me & Tony to be with her & with Tony's job, we just had a hard time to drive some place all together.  So we took advantage of him being off work for his healing & headed out.

I had to laugh when we walked in a place & my brother was like, "Well mom, they have a Wizard of Oz headstone" & we looked & honest to goodness, it really looked like it was.  The nice guy who was helping us was like, "ummmm.... that's not the Wizard of Oz"... I told him if he wanted a sale, he just needs to go with it.  He was confused though when we said, 'How can you say that's not the Tinsman? & he even started to question if it was really the yellow brick road.

If you look REAL close though, its just the line from the road that is causing the "Tinman" look but man, my mom kinda fell in love with this.... its not the one we picked though.

I also found one that I said I need for my Beauty & the Beast cemetery heart.

Guess you can find almost anything anymore.

My brother & his wife are talking about cremation but they have plots with all of us & Tony said he'll just pick the TV Console for his marker.

See - this is why we needed to wait - we all had some laughs, I went & got some McDonald's cokes for everyone,  & we were laid back & we had clear minds on picking something. If we rushed into it, I know it would have been a much different process.

In the end, we all walked out happy to have picked something that we know dad would like & now we're hoping it will be in place for his 2 year anniversary.  I know we'll be glad to have a place with vases so we can put the flowers in a container instead of creating new & creative ways to hold mementos or flowers.

We had to get my brother home so he could make it to his nephew's basketball game & mom had me drive her to the store where I bought way too much stuff... because shopping.

When I got home, Ricky had run out & I had the house to myself.  I did what any good woman does.  Brewed up a cup of coffee & broke out my Kindle for some quiet reading.  It was SO good, I ended up falling asleep. Now, if you know me - I dont nap - but man, I was KONKED.   Luckily, I didnt get in that DEEP sleep phase - just a quick 10 minute shut eye. That deep sleep stuff just drains my soul.  Ruins me the rest of the day.

I spent the rest of the evening doing my Bruno watching, getting my next week's planner layout done & drawing up my stuff for March - including my new Mood tracker ... isn't it the cutest?  I'm trying to come up with a new theme for each month. Maybe next month, i'll have little Easter eggs in a basket - OHHH - I like it. Give me some other ideas if you have any.

Sunday, I ended up not making it to HSM - I had to get back to my Heart-Church & see our buddy Ryan preach. My goodness.  I wasn't expecting to be crying so much - but there I was, sniffling & snotting the whole service long.  One, because we're just so proud of Ryan & how far he's come in his preaching & his talent in relaying God's word.  I remember him back in his first days working with the youth & seeing a little 'kid' standing up in front & giving messages - he was always good, but to see him now, its just incredible.  & Two, just that.  We've seen him go through so many phases of life & when he brings some of his life events up in his messages, it really hits a chord in our hearts because we remember those times he's talking about. Its like we saw behind the curtains & remember the struggles, the happiness, the tears, the joy.  So it may be words & stories to others, but it's memories to us & that's why my heart chords were just strummed the whole service long.  

Love my new Lularoe shirt - perfect to wear to church!

It was really nice having Sunday with Ricky though.  We got to go out to lunch together & went & did a little shopping & even got in a Starbucks trip....

Then we had to get home & just enjoy the day. It's like Spring is throwing us hints that she's just around the corner.  It was 64 degrees & sunny.  Coming from the snow 2 days earlier, we were happy to just sit out & enjoy it. 

I was able to finish up my book & then I was also able to finish up Love is Blind.  ... which I need someone to message me & talk to me about it - I have so many feels about this.  If you dont want to read, just skip... but y'all - obviously - SPOILERS
* Jessica is just never going to find anyone, is she?

Image result for Love is blind meme

* I laughed when Jessica went to meet Barnett to see not have any regrets & when he confronted her about her drunk conversation about him & her, she was like, WHAT? I dont have any feelings for you.... gurrrrll, please.
* We heard it many times - Barnett is truly afraid of Amber. He said it over & over. I honestly cant believe he really married her.  WHAT?
* Speaking of Amber - her debt & her attitude on working & finances - nooooppppeeee
* Is Gianna a real person? She's a C-list actress, right?
* As much as I couldnt stand Jessica, I truly thought Kelly was the WORST. The absolute WORST.   I'm so glad Kenny, Mark & Damion got away man - RUN FREE GUYS
* Finally - how PRECIOUS was Cameron & Lauren? I really do hope they make it. I think Cameron is a different sort of guy - he's just so mild speaking, even kill, doesnt seem like he would ever raise his voice.  & I think Lauren is just classy & elegant & just a sweet soul. I really do hope they get their Happily Ever After.  I must listen to too much True Crime podcasts though because I thought, Watch Camera be some sort of manipulating man who will never let Lauren out of his grasp.  - way to ruin a love story Rebecca!

Image result for Love is blind cameron and lauren

Anyyywayyyyss... I have a hundred more thoughts on this show.

So tell me about your weekend....

Are you ready for the time change next week?

Is Spring peaking out for you or is Winter not loosing its grip?

Any mood tracker ideas?

Are you watching Love is Blind?  MESSAGE ME :)

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