This is the most chaotic time, isn't it?
I'm not sure what the next few weeks will look like in blog land. I mean, it feels funny talking about frivolous things - & I'm the queen of Frivolous... but one thing I know that will keep going is my Thankfulness. Because even in the chaos of this world, blessings are pouring all around us. Keep our focus on these things & not the fear that is surrounding.
I'm here every Thursday if you want to join in to see some good happening in this world. Link up with me & visit around!

This week I am Thankful for:
Pop A Lock
Talk about a Monday. I walk into work & go to put my purse down ... & no purse. HUH? I did a spin around myself & around my desk & yep, no purse. Which meant, no cell phone, & no keys. GREAAAT. I ran back out to the parking garage & there was my purse sitting nice & content in the front seat ready to take a little spin around the block. ....SIGH.... but thank goodness for services like Pop a Lock. They came within 15 minutes & had it all open in about 5. Ricky was a little upset I paid to have someone come get it. He said he could have ran home & ran back - but its not like we live around the corner... so I'd rather pay for the convenience of not bugging anyone.
Tape Dispenser
Y'all remember my thankfulness a few weeks ago about all my cute Belle things my coworker made me for items on my desk... & hair. She's done it again. I come into work & find this TAPE DISPENSER COVER!! LOL... How awesome is this???? I told her I would love for a seat cover, a MONITOR cover, heck - just cover my whole cube please!!
Spotify & Road trip
I had to go to the funeral home after work for a coworker who lost a family member & the trip was a good hour long drive. it was a warmer day & I'm all about a good car drive where I can sing to the top of my lungs like I'm auditioning for American Idol.
Emergency Room Team
My mom had to be taken in via ambulance to the hospital & they ended up taking her to one in Louisville. One she hasn't been at before. While the hospital is one of the 'rougher' hospitals around, the doctors were top notch. They were so friendly & were so full of information & just really on top of their game.
Doctor's Calls
Speaking of that hospital - as of today, I've had FIVE different doctors call me - & I've spoken with 3 different nurses. They call & keep me up to date on everything with me having to be at work during the day. They've been so informative & kept us in the know. When mom has been in the other hospital she usually goes to - I've never heard from one doctor. I will say, this has totally impressed me.
All the stickers!!!
So I mentioned yesterday about my friend getting rid of her planner stash. I was able to purchase some great things from her & she sold quite a bit on Facebook - but she brought in this HUGE bag of stickers that were just like inserts or loose sheets or books she knows doesnt sell well. It all made this girl super happy! I had the best time going through all of them. I even shared these with my niece who just got her first Happy Planner & she was super excited too. The gift that kept on giving.
Devotional on Worry
My sweet framily started a devotional on the Bible App about Worry where she sent out invites for a group of people to do it together. It couldn't have come at a more perfect time in this chaotic season. If you are on the Bible App - its called "Worry - Finding Peace" in case you're looking for a nice little short 7 day devotional
Clean Team
My brother & sister in law & her mom & the twins went to my mom's house over the weekend while my mom is in the hospital & cleaned up. I mean - they DID IT IN... the house looks fantastic. Talking about serving.
Church online
It was so strange to hear church was canceled but I think it was the best move that could have happened. Especially in our church that holds HUNDREDS - THOUSANDS at the main campus. So grateful for technology though that there was live stream services to watch... they did the worship & everything. & they did it a few times during the day on Sunday. Bless the people that worked so hard to make it happen.
Share some good things with me!!!
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