This was my first month with Book of the Month & I really like the books - like the size of them, the print - the quality. I like that they're all the same size too - pretty for a shelf. I'm going to continue for next month & see how it continues.
So this past month, I've been escaping to the world of make believe because our world is just nuts. I've enjoyed all the time away....

** / It was OK
Quick Summary: A musician ends up working in a play group of upper class NYC women & we see that the Momstagram life isnt always as perfect as it seems
(Rated: R)
This was my first Book of the Month book. & it was just Meh. The description read like something I would love -& I did read it pretty fast, but all in all, I wasn't really feeling this one.
There's a lot of characters with the moms, the kids, the husbands... & in the end, I only liked one of the husbands out of all of them. Even the musician, Claire, got on my nerves.
In the end, I felt like it was all superficial, the characters were just annoying & the ending was just ridiculous. I wasn't feeling this one at all.
I find it funny that a lot of this book was about how Instagram made this play group so enticing to others & look so perfect - & the pics of this book & all the comments made this book sound so fun ... & in the end, the book showed me that every thing is not what its cracked up to be in real life.
We're all so obsessed with protecting our children, are't we? That's how we got into this mess in the first place. We want to paint a lovely picture that we hang over their window to block out how the world really works, to give them these perfect lives. And to do that, we think we need to keep ourselves perfect too. But no mother in the history of the world has been able to protect her child forever. the world barges in through the front door eventually. Or sometimes, you invite it in, because it knows exactly what lies you want to hear.

**** / Really Liked It
Book of the Month Club Pick
Quick Summary: A plus size blogger gets the opportunity to go on a Bachelor-Like show and it's a mix of people that are biased towards her & also what Bea is struggling in seeing in herself & what she deserves.
(Rated: PG)
If you love The Bachelor, you will really enjoy this! I DEVOURED it. 24 hours & it was done. I could have done it in less time than that, but I stopped with about a quarter more still to go so it wouldnt end so quickly - like a good Netflix binge.
I loved reading about all these characters & really liking some of them just like you do when watching The Bachelor. Was the ending a little predictable? Yeah.... but it still was a fun read & I really havent just enjoyed a fun book in awhile.
It really is a look at the life of a Plus Size woman too & how the world has so many biases against them - especially when it comes to love & romance. ... & this book totally gave me all the Bachelor feels when we're in a time where Bachelor Nation is on hold.
Everyone wanted so many things from her - to believe in herself & to see her own true beauty, but not to be conceited, to know her place. Be more than your looks, but never speak out of turn. Don't be defined by love, but remember, you're nothing without it. Be a princess. Find you price. You dont meed a man to complete you. Stand on your own two feet.

(Rated ?)
Quick Summary: 3 people end up moving into a building & each of them have someone in their life that is mysteriously disappeared. When a half torn letter ends up in their mailbox, they dont know who its for & who could becoming back into their life.
I was excited about this because it sounded fun. But, I have really turned into my reading rule - if it doesnt have my attention by 25% into the book, I'll just move on.
This was like that. Between the 3 women that lived in the building & Larry, the Landlord - none of them, I cared about. They actually all pretty much got on my nerves. Was it the writing? Possibly. I just felt like the story was dragging & I had no desire to pick up the book to see what else was happening... so nope - moving on.....
when you’re really hoping for something, and when that hope takes up so much space inside your rib cage that it’s hard to eat or breathe in, you have to dismiss the things that make sense to make room for it. It’s a survival thing.

**** Really Liked It
Quick Summary: Olive, who seems to be the unluckiest person in the world, ends up having to take a honeymoon trip for her sister after everyone that attended the wedding got food poisoning. The only other person who didnt get sick is the groom's brother, who Olive doesnt get along with at all.
(Rated R)
I saw this around for awhile - & as usual, I'm late to the party - but this one, I'm so glad I finally made it.
I laughed out loud at the characters who were written so well. I just really enjoy reading books that have a normal talk - something I can imagine saying or hearing in my own world.
This was fun & I just enjoyed the romance of it, the humor in it, & the little dramatic turn it took as well. Totally a good summer read
“i knew he was a book lover, but to be the same kind of book lover I am? It makes my insides melt.”
So tell me what's the best book you've read so far during summer!
(CLICK to join in with all the booksters & see what everyone is reading)
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