Tuesday, March 02, 2021

One Sentence a Day {February 2021}


Well, this month will for sure go down in my history books as memorable.  
I feel like surviving February has truly been the accomplishment of a lifetime! Whew!

Here's Month 2 down... One Sentence a Day....

1 - Mon /  Totally surprised to wake  up to a new freshly snow covered yard! #ZoeHasNoWhereToPee #Again

2 - Tues /  My sister in law was diagnosed with COVID over the weekend &  now my niece got her positive COVID test. #theybothfeelhorrible #mybrotherisdoomed

3 - Wed / Drove some candy & ginger ale down to mom in her rehab center #SuppliesForSurviving

4 - Thurs /  Saw a news report that showed that people working from home are putting in more hours, at an average of an additional 2 each week & it fell on a day where I got out of my seat twice the entire day to get a coffee & go to the bathroom #SOBUSY

5 - Fri / I was so ready for Friday & the weekend #SignedOffWorkandStraightToBed

6 - Sat / Why is the line to Starbucks so long all the time now? #20minuteewait #Iwaited

7 - Sun / Super Bowl Sunday to hear once again how much people hate Tom Brady #idontgetit #TheManWins #HeWonAgain

8 - Mon / More snow coming in tonight #SOOVERIT

9 - Tues / Hair day!!! #byebyegray

10 - Wed / Finished up the last few episodes of binging Zac & Mia on Netflix #becauseIlikesadshows

11 - Thurs / Watching the Impeachment is just giving me all the anxiety #peoplebecrazy

12 - Fri / Woke up convinced I broke another tooth with the pain I had but found out it was just pressure from grinding throughout the night #took24hourstofeelbetter

13 - Sat / Poor Hubby was feeling bad all night & all day long with cold chills & the worst body aches #thisdoesntlookgood

14 - Sun / It is official why Hubby is feeling bad when he got his Covid Positive test #welldangit


15 - Mon / ANOTHER Winter Storm Warning with up to 10 inches of snow expected. #Ihateyouwinter

16 - Tues / I had the worst night with coughing & chills, so now I'm anxious about my COVID test but I still think it could be yet ANOTHER sinus infection because my ears are once again killing me. #UGHUGHUGH

17 - Wed / COVID positive test #Herewego

18 - Thurs / I feel like a truck ran over me #miserable

19 - Fri / So grateful that I could see one of my favorite people's wedding online  #IWatchedHerGrowUp #oneofmyYouthKiddos

20 - Sat /  Got out of bed & sat on the couch today #mybiggestaccomplishment

21 - Sun /  After so many days / weeks of snow on the ground, its finally starting to melt #slowly

22 - Mon /  Thank goodness working remotely where I can take a nap at lunch #barelymadeithroughtheday

23 - Tues / a week later & still have a fever #wearingmeout

24 - Wed / Heard that my best friend growing up - her father passed away this week. #mademyhearthurt #cantgotofuneralhome #InQuarantineStill #stillhavefever

25 - Thurs /  I literally cant walk across the room without gasping for air #SuchaHorribleFeeling

26 - Fri / It's a surreal feeling having the severe effects of COVID & watching a documentary about people dying from it & you are coughing & gasping for breath the whole way through. #WantToTakeaBigInhale #cant

27 - Sat / It fed my soul to have temperatures warm enough where I could take a book outside & I could try & get fresh air. #somesortofnormal


28 - Sun / I finally started Bridgerton #WhereisSeason2?

Tell me something good about your February!!!

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