I'm not starting off 2021 well at all... & I'm not talking about COVID - I'm talking about reading & books. What a bummer of a beginning... it's gotta go up from here - right?
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Quick Summary: A woman makes a new beginning in a town after losing 2 of her previous spouses & marries a new man with 2 young children. Is she who she says she is?
I read this for a book club (that I didnt end up making because I was sick with COVID - ugh) - I was really interested to hear everyone else's thoughts on this because I had a lot of thoughts on this one. Parts of this just rubbed me the wrong way like something isn't right. I had the end figured out pretty early on so it wasn't that much of a gasp shocker.
I always love a book with multiple POV so that kept me reading, but honestly, this wasn't that great of a story. Just off to me somehow. The characters were weird. Things that were happening were just strange. Not a book I would recommend.
Quick Summary: A group of people are in an apartment showing when a bank robber ends up taking them "hostage" but then the police cant find the suspect when they rescue everyone
Maybe I shouldnt have read this while having COVID because my brain was struggling keeping everyone & everything straight. It's full of a LOT - a LOTTTT - of characters & so many connections between them. It was hard for me to keep up. Then, most of it was just strange. The characters, some of them, every time they spoke, I was just irritated by them. By the end, I was just over it - glad to get through it - I didnt care any more.
I think it didnt help that I was so excited about this book. I really like this author & had such high expectations - especially because everyone else seems to really enjoy this book. I feel like I'm a failure reading this... it is what it is. I was totally disappointed. Maybe I'll try it again down the road when I can keep my thoughts a little bit more together. ... I sadly & shockingly wouldnt recommend & that hurts me because I like Backman's other books
“This story is about a lot of things, but mostly about idiots. So it needs saying from the outset that it’s always very easy to declare that other people are idiots, but only if you forget how idiotically difficult being human is.”
Leave the World Behind
Quick Summary: A family rents a AirBnB in the middle of no where for vacation & when 2 people who own the home come knocking at the door in the middle of the night & say there's a blackout & strange things happening, the family doesnt know what to believe.
I tried... I couldnt. I had a feeling when in just the first few chapters there was LITERALLY a full page of every single thing the family bought at the grocery - this wasn't going to be for me. So much useless details. The book is short too - so why waste the time? & there's so much attention to male body parts that I just didnt care for... close the book - move on. ... Completely would NOT recommend. Worst book so far this year
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