Breath in.... breath out....
OK my praying people... lift up some prayers for me today. Its DENTIST time. I know some people are like, huh? Just the dentist? I went into emergency surgery with no one at the hospital with me a lot better than I am feeling going into the dentist. I have all the dental anxiety & am just a nervous wreck on what they're going to say, what the price is going to be & where this will lead - because we all know once dental work starts, you're scheduled in for the next year with the next step & next step & next step. Plus, I'm HORRIFIED on what the pain is going to feel like with them getting my crown off my tooth. Basically like pulling a tooth ... & anything with pressure or pulling in my mouth...
Breathing in... breathing out...
Anyways - I go today after work. Please pray or lift up good thoughts for me for all good news - & minimum pain.
I'm so glad I was able to enjoy a really nice weekend before the tragic events of today....
Friday, it started off with a bang...I was out in the back property with Hubby looking at all the work he's been doing when I got a phone call from my brother to get in touch with the vet. Cochese had apparently run through a fence & gashed out his face pretty badly.
Be prepared.... here's a picture that I got on my phone.
Poor guy.
Apparently during the storms the night before, it spooked him.
We got in touch with a large animal vet & she said as long as it wasn't currently bleeding (it wasn't) there was no reason to come suture it - so she told us to clean it up & put some antibiotic ointment on it & she was going to call in a prescription for some antibiotics & some pain meds for him.
Animals... they're like kids... always into something & always an accident waiting to happen.
Saturday I ended up actually getting ready... like really ready. Make up & all. I was venturing out to meet my friend (& coworker) Liz. I havent seen Liz in a year since we left the office in March 2020... she's even had a BABY since I've seen her last! Isnt that crazy. Liz is my planner friend too so we were going to meet up for coffee & go planner shopping.
First picture of me with someone other than my hubby in a YEAR! |
We ended up scratching coffee & actually going out to lunch.... Y'all... I ate lunch out! Can you believe it!!! Yes, we sat outside & there weren't people close to us - so that made it easier for me. Plus, she reminded me, I've got antibiodies from having COVID 30 days ago. I had to keep telling myself that too.
I am so excited we have a Joella's on our side of the river now... they have vegan chicken which I love .
BUTTTTT - if you notice the kale salad above, I took the picture & got ready to cut into - all the while talking to Liz & before I put a knife to it, I was like, HOLLLD UPPPP - this isn't vegan chicken. It was funny because Liz said, "I thought, wow, you're getting the full real chicken experience". I would have been so mad if I got this to go & drove all the way home only to find real chicken on my salad. EW!
Then we went shopping at a few places looking for planner goodies & she was on a mission to find a new container for some washi. We have priorities.
Luckily, I had some gift cards from Hubby from Christmas that helped me cover all the expense of all the sticker books I got.... so many sticker books. So much happiness.
I was pretty perturbed though at one point. We were in Hobby Lobby & I found a sticker book I have been wanting since December. It's sold out online & its $50.00 sticker book .... cough... I KNOW. $50.00 for stickers. Did I mention we have priorities? But I thought, Its Hobby Lobby - let me just pull up my 40% off coupon - $20.00 off will be perfect - my gift card will cover the rest, bam, boom, sticker bliss.
I was so mad. Liz wasn't happy either. We ended up evaluating our purchases & put most of it back. I was just so mad. Apparently they stopped doing that in February. How frustrating is that? I know I am not alone in using that coupon on every trip to Hobby Lobby. So now I have to actually look up when they have sales? WHERE IS YOUR MANAGER? I need to be a Karen! I was pretty salty & bitter when I left the store.
Yes, I ended up buying the $50.00 sticker book ... gah. I knew if I put it back - I'd never find it again. There was only one & we just happened to stumble upon it. Just taking my gift card & thinking that would be the same as a 40% off coupon anyways.
We left to go to TJ Maxx to retail therapy our Hobby Lobby bitterness.
I found some cute things.... this camo linen shirt, which is way cuter on. It has buttons down the back of it- & a hood! & its lightweight & linen. ... & got some cute OPI nail polish & a Tobacco smelling candle. Maybe its the Kentucky girl inside of me that likes a Tobacco smelling candle. Am I alone in that?
I had to leave & meet my brother to give him the horse medicine. It was so nice out & just perfect on Saturday - like near 80 degrees & sunny... so I ended up sitting outside & finished reading my book (loved it)
Sunday, things took a weather dive. Rain had come in overnight & it was so windy & chilly all day long. Dont take away my Spring!!!!
I took it easy most of Sunday. I watched church online & then started a new book, & then Hubby & I ran down to Target to pick up a few things & got some lunch to bring home. Nothing exciting - basic Sunday stuff.
Sunday lazy vibes... yes, that's Ozzie with his head & paw on Hubby's foot |
I went over to give Cochese his 2nd dose of medicine for the day & chatted with mom for awhile & just watched the sun set on this day.
So... weekend done... pain & misery ahead. Lord, be near.
Do you have dental anxiety or are you one of those weirdos that actually LIKE the dentist?
(No offense to any dentist friends)
Did you know about the Hobby Lobby coupon change?
Did you read any books this weekend?
Give me some encouraging words for today... thank you!
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