Monday, April 06, 2009

Anyone else wanna call the bank?

Its Monday...... its gloomy..... I'm tired..... my body is achy......I have a sore throat.....

Its a blah kinda day!

And then I get a phone call from our CFO to call the bank - there was an error in our deposit. I didnt even send in a deposit today??? So to make a very long, boring accounting story entertaining - I'll skip all the numbers part & talk about the lady who helped me.

This lady I had to call just brightened my day.... at the end of every phone conversation I've had with her she says:

"Thank you - you are WONDERFUL!"

& she says it in the most heartfelt tone too!!!

I had to call her a few times & each time the same thing

"Thank you - you are WONDERFUL!"

Holy cow... I told my coworkers, I'm calling this lady EVERY day I'm having a bad day... She's made me smile - she's brightened my day! Who ever thought a bank could do that!

So in case anyone else is having a bad day.... I just want to tell you



  1. That would be nice to hear with all this snow swirling around me. It sucks!! I need some sunshine.

  2. Thank you for this blog RJ ~~ You are wonderful!!!


  3. RJ,
    you ARE wonderful :)
    you should know this!

  4. I think we just forget at times how just a few*simple*thoughtful words can mean so much to someone else.
    Thanks for the amazing blogger!!! smile


  5. Awww...I hope you feel better soon.

    P.S. I think you're wonderful too!


  6. That is nice to here from someone on the phone. Phone skills seems to be a lost art.

    I am having a blah day, we have snow, I have an itchy throat, and Now I have to decide what's for dinner. Thanks for cheering me up:).

  7. Yep, I agree... you ARE wonderful!!! AND ... fearfully and WONDERFULLY made!!! Yep... it's true!!

  8. Oh how sweet.

    But, you are wonderful!

    btw... hope you're not too sick for a dancing post!

  9. Hey, came on over from Stacy's..I need that lady's phone number! I wonder if her boss knows what a jewel he has?

    Thanks for sharing!


  10. Awww sucks - thanky! Hope you get to feeling "wonderful" soon Rebecca! I'll keep you company with my faithful companion the last few days - a big box of Kleenex!!

  11. Wow, what bank is that? I definitely need to change mine lol
    Oh and by the way you are WONDERFUL!!!

  12. That is so awesome! Yay for friendly people in bureaucratic-type positions!


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