Friday, April 24, 2009

What have I gotten myself into?

Yep... that is the look of fear in my eyes....

Tomorrow is the day....

13.1 miles....

We'll see how it goes....

& you all know me - I wont be your typical jogger out there! I'm planning on taking my phone to Twitter my way through (also to call 911 if need be) & I'm taking my camera to document the way....

To be continued....


  1. Good Luck. Don't forget your flask for that burst of energy.

  2. heehee Good luck!!! I know you'll do great!

    (and I've been such a slacker on visiting you, but I'll be back very soon to catch up. I just wanted to tell you good luck before it was too late! =) )

  3. Gotta gettum, Rebecca! You're going to do awesome!

  4. You'll be fine. Just get a cadence call going and you will do great...


    I don't know what I been told...
    but running this mini is mighty bold.

    Early in the morning here I am...
    Running to the finish cause I know I can.

    Gonna log this thing right there on twitter...
    Gonna show the world that I'm not a quitter...

    I won't stop 'til the race is done...
    I won't stop 'cause I think it's fun.

    I don't know what I been told...
    but running this mini is mighty bold!

    Good luck buddy! ;)

  5. You are going to do GREAT! The atmosphere of races are so fun that a lot of times you forget that you are running so far!!! Can't wait to see the pics and hear about it!

  6. I'll be sure to turn on my TV & see if you're on there.... Good Luck!

  7. You'll do awesome!!! I'm so excited for you!!

  8. i'm glad that you found me again! horray!!

    good luck woman!!! bless your heart for WANTING to run. . . eek!

  9. Good luck friend! I know you will rock it!

  10. You go girly!! YOU CAN DO IT! Will be thinking about you all day!

  11. GOOD LUCK! You can do it!

    You are hilarious-gonna twitter through it! Lol!

  12. Good luck girl! ;-) I know it will be great!

  13. Good luck! I know you'll make it fun and have stories to tell.

  14. Good for you! And remember to train. You can't run a half-marathon on willpower alone...good luck!

  15. Glad I got here in time to wish you GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!! You go Girlfriend! Turning on my phone notices for twitter just to follow along :o)

  16. RJ,
    For real ~~ you are my running hero!!! I will be thinking about you. Oh how I wish I were running with you, but you know the whole knee thing ~~ bummer. But you rock girl ~~ you totally rock the running world tomorrow!!!!!

    Love you RJ,

  17. Yay! You will do just fine. Good luck and know that my prayers are with you.

  18. I don't think we're Twitter buddies? I will rectify that!


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